USAV Town Hall Meeting: The New-New Workspace

This week we took a deeper dive into the future technology within the workplace. The “new-new” way of going back to work with social distancing and how will people interact and continue to do business six feet apart. Huddle rooms, shared workspaces, and conference rooms will change and where are the challenges and opportunities for integrators? The common themes were thermal cameras, touchless technology, and lines blurring between security and AV. The virtual breakouts proved again to be a powerful tool to optimize the collaboration and help attendees go deeper on topics while building camaraderie. The chat lit up again as an active space generating more energy to share information. We pulled out the great resources shared and included thermal camera details offered by PSA.

Next week, we will take a deeper dive into telemedicine. Trinity Dynamics has perfected this offering for over a decade and they will be presenting on how to break into this quickly growing vertical.


USAV Partner News | May 2020


USAV Town Hall: The New Workspace