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Case Studies

Unparalleled Partnerships Defined

Our network of top systems integrators and product and solutions providers leads to an expansion of opportunities for collaboration. From higher education and nonprofit to entertainment and beyond, Edge members and partners provide innovative and creative solutions, continuing to enhance their positions as leading integrators.

Read more about the advantage of unparalleled partnerships through our success stories below.

Transforming Education at George Mason University

Trinity Dynamics

Trinity Dynamics installed an incredible Planar high-resolution LED video wall that takes higher learning to a whole new level. The goal was to use the video wall as an interactive tool designed to enrich the learning process and allow for efficient collaboration through video conferencing, webinars, and virtual meeting platforms to enable remote learning and research partnerships.

Increased Visibility of Collegiate Swim Meets

AnuVision Technologies

The University of Tampa (UT) recently expanded its fitness and recreation center including an outdoor, competition-sized pool. UT desired a more versatile solution than a digital scoreboard to improve the aquatic center, and Edge member AnuVision had something big in mind.

Optimized Film Study at Collegiate Football Auditorium


Edge member LightWerks collaborated with University of Southern California (USC) to upgrade the technology in the Trojan Football Auditorium with state-of-the-art AV solutions, creating a more engaging viewing experience for audience members and presenters.

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