USAV Weekly Highlights: November 12th, 2021

Here is your recap of what USAV did this week:

  • USAV November Newsletter

  • Virtual Fall Integrators Meeting 2021

  • Fun at the Denver Nuggets Game

  • Chili Cook Off

USAV November Newsletter

Check out what's new with your USAV Partners this month!

Virtual Fall Integrators Meeting 2021

Thank you everyone who attended this years Virtual Fall Integrators Meeting! We kicked off Day 1 by meeting the newest members.

Day 2 featured wins, losses and lessons learned from IMS Technology Services, ET Group and Lightwerks. They showcased some pretty impressive projects and lessons learned. Attendees then went into breakout rooms to discuss the featured projects as well as their personal wins, losses and lessons learned within their small groups.

Marina Blickley led day 3 discussion on human resources and COVID. The PSA Executive team then provided a recap of the Five Year Strategic Plan for PSA/USAV followed by John Riley from Almo wrapping up day 3 with an update on the continuing supply chain issues.

Watch On-Demand

Did you miss some of the meetings? Login to to access the recordings and slides from the 2021 Virtual Fall Integrators Meeting.

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Denver Nuggets Game

USAV had a fun Wednesday night watching the Nuggets take the win against the Pacers! Patrick Whipkey, Cheryl Walton and Chris Salazar-Mangrum from USAV/PSA were accompanied by Ted McCausland and Travis Deathridge from Team LINX, Morgan and Cassidy Alley from Almo Corporation and Dana Nickel from Legrand | AV.


With the weather getting colder in Denver, USAV/PSA decided it was the perfect time for a Chili Cook Off! Employees gathered for lunch to taste and vote on their favorite chili. Congratulations to our winners listed below.

First Place – Billy’s Silly Chili, made by Billy Hutchinson, account representative, customer service

Second Place – If it’s Good, Chris Made It, made by Chris Salazar-Mangrum, vice president, technology partners

Third Place and Most Creative – Belch by Kelly, made by Kelly Howard-Savala, accounting assistant, accounting


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USAV Partner News | November 2021