USAV Weekly Highlights: July 29, 2021
Here is your recap of what USAV did this week:
NexGen Workshop
Fall Integrator Meeting for ISG Members Registration Opened
Quarter 1 VIR Statements Released
PSA Article: Hiring Integrators in a Hybrid World
USAV NexGen Education Conference: July 27-29, 2021
USAV and Rave hosted three half-days of highly interactive virtual workshop sessions that introduced tools and resources to grow your professional personality. Putting it all together attendees can utilize the knowledge as a bridge to drive sales and maximize profit margins.
USAV Fall Integrators Meeting Registration Opened
Wednesday, October 13, 2021 8:00 PM - Friday, October 15, 2021 5:00 PM
Attend the USAV Fall Integrators Meeting held during the PSA Annual Convention. This event is exclusively for USAV Integrated Service Group members and PSA owners and members. It will be held in San Diego, CA in October of 2021. This event offers owners the chance to discuss what is happening at PSA and USAV, learn about new trends in the industry, network with other owners and vendors, and gain access to additional tools and resources to help them in their businesses.
2021 Quarter 1 VIR Statements Available!
PSA Article: Hiring Integrators in a Hybrid World
Be sure to really understand what the company is looking for when hiring a new employee, including whether experience or adaptability is more desirable for a given job.