USAV Town Hall Meeting: Scenario Planning

In this week's town hall, we focused on scenario planning and how it helped many of our USAV integrators with COVID-19 business impacts. Back in 2017, the USAV Fall Partner Meeting was focused on scenario planning and we put together 3 scenarios. A “Good” (Bull market is longest on record – driven by big data at its core), a “Bad” ( China sides with North Korea and blocks shipping channels to pressure U.S.) and a “Nominal” (Fed is acclaimed for producing a steady economy with no surprises). Even though we are not in a war involving militaries, it’s fair to say we are in a war with a pandemic,. Hal Bagley of Elevate 2 Lead, a USAV preferred services provider, facilitated the session back in 2017 and he came back to revisit scenario planning in the current environment. In the previous week, Hal conducted a workshop with a handful of USAV integrators. Travis Combs of Bluewater Technologies gave a quick recap of his time with the workshop. “Being newer to the organization I’m encouraged to see what we are experiencing is similar to others no matter the geography.” We then took a few surveys to see if a future in-depth planning workshop would be something people were interested in.  The decision was to host 2, half-day sessions with an exercise before and after. In these uncertain times, it is good to plan the next 18 months to 2 years and build different scenarios to help shape your roadmap.  Refer to the attached flyer and be on the lookout for more details.


USAV Partner News | June 2020


USAV Town Hall Meeting: Business Challenges and Business Opportunities