USAV Remembers Colleague & Friend: Becky Dively


 Recently the ProAV industry lost a talented individual who selflessly contributed to our profession and our lives, Becky Dively. Of greater import, we here at USAV grieve the loss of a friend and mentor. Becky and Phil, her husband, were the driving forces behind Online Technologies, USAV’s longtime Dealer and Partner in Little Rock, Arkansas. Newer USAV members may not remember Becky as well, since she’s been fighting a courageous fight against cancer for the past few years. For us old-timers, Becky represented the heart and soul of USAV.

Becky never lost sight of the vision that USAV is, or at least should be, much more than just a bunch of ProAV Dealers working together. She was fond of the “one for all, all for one” mantra that most of us remember. But she really meant it! Becky was outspoken for all of the right reasons, always reminding us that we are stronger together and that we should invest in each other. And, she was generous to a fault. Many times I saw her huddled with other USAV Dealers, particularly newer Dealers, encouraging them, sharing tips and planning for mutual success.

Becky and Phil used to refer to Little Rock as a “nano-market”, but Becky was quick to note, “small but mighty”! And she was right. From the vantagepoint of a smaller dealer in a smaller market, Becky and Online Technologies had an outsized impact. Of course, Phil and later son Stephen, were part of the package!

Time slips by. It’s way too easy to forget to say thank you: thank you, Becky, for all you’ve done and all you’ve been. As a person of great faith, Becky recognized the enduring nature of our existence and the importance of gauging life on eternal contributions. USAV dealers and partners are all beneficiaries of Becky’s eternal contributions. She’ll be sorely missed.


K.C. Schwarz

(USAV CEO Emeritus)



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