USAV Partner News | July 2021

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Real-World Crowd Intelligence Value at Your Campus

With crowd intelligence software, there's no reason for data to overwhelm operations teams. Your existing data can go to work for you, and can surface insights to guide the way to smarter space management.


Listen to Almo's Podcast and Help Celebrate 75!

In honor of Almo's 75th anniversary, we launched a set of special episodes on the "ALMOst Trending" podcast, highlighting how Almo's core values of family, integrity, innovation and teamwork impact our employees. Find out what makes us work so hard for our customers, and why we love this company.


How to Avoid Digital Signage Supply Headaches

We are emerging from a pandemic that brought many digital signage projects to a halt. With new projects on the upswing and plenty of work to do, as if on cue, (record scratch sound) the industry is hitting a new speedbump – a combination of increased demand and material shortages.


Find the Right Display Technology for Your Needs

If you’re considering a digital display to engage your customers, employees or visitors, selecting the perfect solution can be a challenge. That’s because you have several technologies to choose from, a wide range of features to assess, and different cost levels to evaluate. See how to decide.


Herman Blog: Everything We Know About Outsourcing

See how to overcome three common concerns when it comes to outsourcing AV labor and technical services including lack of control, communication issues and quality control. By outsourcing, an integrator can cost-effectively grow their business and achieve more.


Liberty AV Solutions Joins SDVoE Alliance

The SDVoE™ Alliance announced that Liberty AV Solutions has joined the alliance as an adopting member. The company will work toward the organization’s goals of standardizing the adoption of Ethernet to transport AV signals in professional AV environments. Read the full press release!


30 Hybrid Classrooms Rolled Out at a College

Due to social distancing requirements, Denmark Technical College (DTC) in South Carolina was in search of a hybrid model to accommodate students, both remote and in person. Sharp provided a total solution to bring the classroom to students at home.


Interview with Shure's Director of Technologies

As Shure contends with continued remote working and return to the physical workplace, Rafal Komosa, the company's Director of New Technologies, shares his perspective on what the new world of work looks like for IT.


High-End Installations at Risk from Power Quality

High winds and heavy snow or rain are usually a recipe for power troubles in the Northern California area. Learn more from this case study!



Hiring Integrators in a Hybrid World


USAV Weekly Highlights: July 8, 2021