Meet USAV: Patrick Whipkey

During the months of August and September, we will uncover some interesting facts about each person on the USAV team.

Prior to joining PSA, Patrick Whipkey, Director of USAV, spent ten years with IMS Technology Services, a USAV integration group member company, where he held multiple roles, most recently serving as the director of project management. Whipkey also brings with him over 19 years of proAV industry experience serving the commercial and residential sectors. He developed a passion for AV when he started his own DJ “business” at age 13, and after graduating from LaSalle University, he accepted his first proAV role with a small commercial company out of Southern New Jersey; Dynamite FX. Following his time at Dynamite FX, Whipkey spent three years at HiFi House where he learned the residential side of the industry. Patrick lives near Philadelphia with his wife and three daughters.

Acid wash denim or wind suit? Wind suit, it drives all the ladies at the gym crazy, and I'm aerodynamic on the treadmill.

Favorite karaoke song? "You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling"

Slice of pickle or slice of pizza? Pizza, it's the best Friday night dinner.

Audio or video? Audio, I want to feel the music. At a concert, I don't care what's on the screen as long as I feel the music in my chest.

Seriously funny or foolish wisdom? Seriously funny, you need to have fun in life. Laughter cures almost all pain.

What A/V Technology do you predict will be all the rage in 10 years? I think self-driving cars will be mainstream. Our kids won't be taking driving lessons.

Who is the most influential person in your life? I'd have to say my wife. This was a hard question to respond to, but thinking about it, she is my rock. She has ridden the waves with me, both the ups and downs. We push each other to new limits and in the end, we make each other better.

AV or IT? AV; I know it's all merging, but my love is for AV.

70V or low impedance? Low impedance all the way. It sounds so much better; you get fuller lows and better highs.

Whiteboard or blackboard? As soon as I read this question, I thought of the Michael Jackson song and I want to turn my head and say "white and black". I would say a whiteboard; you don't get those streak sounds when you rub your nails on a whiteboard, and the markers usually have a nice smell.

Acoustic or electric? Acoustic, 100%. I love the sound of an acoustic guitar. Anytime I'm at a concert and the lead singer throws on the acoustic guitar I turn into a 13-year-old school girl.


Vice President of USAV, Chris Salazar-Mangrum Participates on AVWeek Podcast: Episode 417


Meet USAV: Chris Salazar-Mangrum