Four Reasons Installers Love the Foundation® LED Mount System

Precision and ease of installation are key factors in a successful LED videowall installation. That is why Draper built the Foundation® Mount System for LED with installers specifically in mind.

But anyone can say that. What makes the Draper Foundation different?

From the very beginning of the process, our design and engineering staff looked at each piece and process through the eyes of an installer. This led to several unique and powerful advantages to installing Foundation. Here are four of them:

Our designs are manufacturer specific.
Draper® partners with leading LED manufacturers to develop Foundation mounting solutions specific to their products. We are able to do this by providing the same structure, but with brand-specific interfaces to attach LED panels to the structure. That means no additional cutting or modifications are needed onsite, unlike some LED mounts which are promoted as “universal.”

We make it easier to get into the building.
Even though LED mounts ship unassembled, it can be difficult to get the pieces into a building. Larger video walls may not even fit in a service elevator. Foundation is designed to avoid this issue. All components are sized so that even on very large video walls, you’ll have no problem getting them into the building or into the installation area.

Our design overcomes site conditions.
Technicians never know exactly what conditions they will be working in. The wall may look flat, but there are enough waves or imperfections that it will be difficult to accommodate LED. The same issue might be found with the floor.

Foundation adjusts to absorb inconsistent wall flatness to create that flat attachment surface. The Foundation also helps get the system plumb and the bottom row of cabinets aligned and level.

Foundation is both precise and adjustable.
A high level of precision in design and manufacturing is required of any LED video wall structure, especially with narrow pixel pitch (NPP) displays. The very tight pixel spacings require tighter tolerances on the structure.

Draper designs and manufactures Foundation with great precision in our Spiceland, Indiana facility so you can always be confident that it will place the LED panels exactly where they have to be for a flawless viewing experience.

You can learn more about the Foundation in this short behind-the-scenes video


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