AV's Digital Signage Solutions Team Ready to Help

Originally posted on legrandav.com on 9/16/2020

Digital signage has proven to be a vital solution to convey dynamic messaging. Prior to this pandemic, digital signage was often seen as a solution focused solely on the customer experience; now it’s become an integral part of operations, expanding its role to include the realms of safety procedures, traffic direction, customer ordering, and more. While many industries are shifting in response to the pandemic, one thing is clear: There has never been a better time to make digital signage a core component of your AV Services, and Legrand | AV’s team of experts is ready to help make that happen. 

These solutions can seem complex, but you’re not alone. Our Legrand | AV Digital Signage Team knows the ins-and-outs of the industry and are ready to help you meet your client's objectives and create the ideal digital signage solutions.

Why Now?

Prior to new guidelines for group gatherings, dvLED and retail/indoor implementations were highlighted as key digital signage growth areas. The shift in the way we interact with one another has promoted a shift in the digital signage market. Legrand | AV’s infrastructure portfolio of brands has allowed us to quickly react to the market’s overall changing needs, as well as the specific needs of your clients. 

The onset of COVID-19 has shaken up the future of AV; however, digital signage has taken the main stage and will be a vital tool moving forward, particularly as people prepare to return to the workplace and school.  Signage will be essential in communicating information such as: Changing entry guidelines and wait times, audience analytics, purposeful wayfinding, and solutions that integrate thermal sensors to ensure re-opening requirements are met and guests/employees’ safety and health are the top priorities.

Social Distancing is radically changing how many organizations are doing business; there is a definite increase in drive-through and curbside customer care/notification vs. inside on-premise.  Indoor events are migrating to more outdoor installations to reduce contact risk. 

In many cases, reducing face-to-face interactions requires a simplified customer experience where content is clear, concise, and easy to comprehend.  The successful implementation of all hardware components, along with simplified messaging and enhanced and effective branding, can increase your return on these solution investments. Our Digital Signage Team is prepared to help you and your customer make that transition.

Digital signage has an important role to play in all of this, and beyond. While health and safety restrictions will eventually subside, digital signage will remain, becoming a standard for many industries. Investing wisely in digital signage for present day needs avoids playing catchup in the future.


Why Legrand | AV? 

Our dedicated team provides consultative services that address customer objectives with a focus on end-to-end solutions rather than individual components.  

Consulting Services

When you work with us, you gain access to our complimentary consulting services which includes expert introductions to our esteemed manufacture partners, the AV Design community, and access to the best infrastructure portfolio in the market. This results in a solution that not only works but delivers an amazing AV experience that only we can provide.  

Our Digital Signage Team is dedicated to guiding you step-by-step through this process, including project design, completing site surveys, providing technical drawings, and offering engineering support for solutions.

Sales Channels

As a facet of Legrand | AV’s infrastructure capabilities, we have digital signage offerings that cover every sales channel.  We focus on project objectives from inception to implementation. Combined with our strong commercial Architect and Consultant relationships, we offer a unique combination of skillsets to assist in meeting all customer objectives.   

One of the Digital Signage Teams’ strongest assets is their relationship with a wide variety of manufacturing partners, designed to help you build the perfect solution for your needs.

Strong Partnerships

Our partners will offer our same level of service, reputation, and value we do, while creating a comprehensive experience across the board for you. These partnerships deliver to you an experience that can be spontaneous, flexible, and fill in any potential gaps in your digital signage portfolio. We know your solution is unique, and we believe we have the partnerships needed to create exactly what you have in mind. These extensive resources can save you time, money, and frustration as you gain access to relationships we’ve been building and forging for years.

Our team is at the forefront of digital signage solutions, and we’re excited to help our customers and end-users get started. Keep an eye on our website in the coming weeks for more articles detailing our work in specific sectors including healthcare, and be sure to contact us with any questions you might have about your own digital signage solutions! 


USAV Partner News | December 2020


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