2021 USAV Virtual Fall Integrators Meeting Recap

Last week the USAV integration service group met virtually for their annual fall meeting. Normally the event is in person but with COVID spikes, it was decided that it would be better to do a fully virtual meeting. The format was 3-days with only 2 hours of meetings per day. This gave the integrators the ability to have time each day for their normal work tasks.

Day one kicked off one with presentation by Bluewater Technologies, USIS Audio Visual, Rahi Systems, and CTCI. It was an impressive group of presentations. Attendees then broke out into smaller groups to discuss various industry topics. Everything from supply chain to labor shortages and even bid spec projects were discussed.

Day two started with wins, losses, and lessons learned from USAV integrators. Up first was IMS Technology who presented their project at the US Squash Headquarters. It was an impressive installation with a beautiful end result. Then ET Group in Canada took us through their process working with an international client. Not only was their approach a little different, they also leaned heavily on the USAV International Partner Program to deploy all of the projects globally. Lastly, Lightwerks present on a few projects that went south very quickly. The key take away from their presentation was to not be a sub of a sub. It will run your people through the mud and the risk vs reward does not make it worth it.

To close out the meeting, on day three, Marina Blickley, a human resources Attorney from Odin, Feldman & Pittleman, presented on HR law and Covid-19. It was a lot of information to take in and our group was hanging on Marina’s every word. There is no hard and fast rule but you have to be careful. “Document, Document, Document” was the key phrase. After the HR and Covid-19 Q&A, the USAV/PSA Executive team present their five year plan along with some other key highlights that are being worked on behind the scenes. The day closed out with a virtual happy hour sponsored by Almo and Sharp. Participants played four rounds of Kahoots and it was a lot of fun.

It was great seeing new and familiar faces and getting everyone together to discuss what is going on in everyone’s different businesses. Watch for information regarding events to meet together in person in early 2022.


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